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Common Hurdles in Construction?

Construction has never been an easy task and there are a lot of hurdles that one has to go through right from the conceptual phase to its reality like a pandora’s box, with a lot of grey areas, unsure about where to start, whom to approach and how to proceed to ensure successful handover. Hereby we are listing out the common hurdles in Construction:

  • Finding the Right Construction Partner: the foundation of a successful project lies in identifying the right resource for your Project.
  • Keeping up with the Compliance/Norms/Regulation: the best way to deal with these occurrences is to stick on to the guidelines laid by concerned authorities.
  • Construction Delays:  Delays are a common occurrence in construction, various circumstances beyond your control can attribute to delays. So, choosing the right execution partner and having constant communication between them helps in mitigating delays in construction.
  • Quality Control & Safety: Quality control and safety are two mandates in construction. Defects or failures in constructed facilities can result in huge losses and pose a serious threat to life. Finding the ideal Construction Partner/Company with an efficient Project Management Team, proper education, vigilance, and cooperation during the construction can ensure that the job is done right the first time and that no accidents occur on the project. 
  • Issues in Timely Communication: Surprisingly most of the issues in Construction occur due to a lack of faster communication between different stakeholders. This is another massive problem that is easily solvable by modern-day technology.Theft/Unexpected Circumstances/Costs: Pandemics/Epidemics/Strike/Disasters/Theft, etc., can impact project timelines and the Project cost.